With its headquarters in Tamil Nadu, India, Lister Hospitals is the best hospital in Marthandam. We started this journey back in October of 2007 with the aim to provide advanced healthcare facilities to the rural population. Since then, we have gone on to become the best multispecialty hospital in Marthandam with a 24-hour critical care center, 50 beds, and numerous healthcare disciplines.
Lister believes in providing its patients with care and treatment that surpasses the international standards so that our patients feel at ease and return home healthy and happy. Achieving and maintaining excellence in healthcare is our main commitment, not only for the benefit of our patients but also for the whole of humanity.
Services Offered at The Best Multispecialty Hospital in Marthandam
The departments at Lister Hospitals include diabetology, gynecology, pediatric and neonatology, gastroenterology, general surgery, psychiatry, nephrology, orthopedics, ENT, dermatology, urology, neurology, pulmonology, infertility, cardiology, plastic surgery, and emergency care and casualty. Some of the facilities available at the best hospital in Marthandam are USG, ICU, ECG, TMT, EEG, emergency unit, infertility treatment, private wards, casualty, ambulance and emergency care, X-ray, and CT scan.
We also offer several other important medical services, namely our dialysis unit, operation theatre, labor room, 24-hour pharmacy, lab, scan and echo system, consultant rooms, general ward, and physiotherapy. Our medical facilities and round-the-clock service make us the best hospital in Marthandam.
What Makes Lister Hospitals the Best Hospital in Marthandam?
Dr. Aravind Vijayan, our managing director, founded Lister Hospitals and has been devoting his career to its growth since then. Having worked as a consultant in various leading hospitals and attended numerous medical conferences across the world, his goal was to create a hospital that would exceed international standards and bring about quality healthcare to the people of India. That is how Lister Hospitals was born. It is this level of perseverance, determination, and hard work that enabled Lister Hospitals to become the best hospital in Marthandam. Since every great organization requires a strong foundation, we at Lister are proud to have Dr. Aravind Vijayan as our foundation.
Lister Hospitals applies the latest technologies available in the medical world so that ailments can be identified ahead of time and promptly treated. The healthcare solutions we offer come from years and years of experience of skilled medical professionals whose only aim is to provide peaceful treatments to their patients. Our 24/7 service exists since we want to be available for every patient at all times.
High-class treatments are provided at cost-efficient prices because we wish to make healthcare accessible to every person out there, without ever compromising on the quality of our services. Lister is not just another medical facility, it is an institution that combines the talent and skill of seasoned professionals with a healthcare services model based on global medical standards and beyond. Every patient treated at Lister has shown immense trust in our services, and we strive to keep that trust alive every single day.